Introduction to omicwas



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if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))


omicwas is a package for cell-type-specific disease association testing, using bulk tissue data as input. The package accepts DNA methylation data for epigenome-wide association studies (EWAS), as well as gene expression data for differential gene expression analyses. The main function is ctassoc


See description.


Analyzing DNA methylation

Let’s load a sample data.

X = GSE42861small$X
W = GSE42861small$W
Y = GSE42861small$Y
Y = Y[seq(1, 20), ] # for brevity
C = GSE42861small$C

See description.


The conventional way is to use ordinary linear regression.

result = ctassoc(X, W, Y, C = C,
                 test = "full")
#> Linear regression ...
#> Summarizing result ...
#> # A tibble: 380 × 6
#>    response   celltype term    estimate statistic   p.value
#>    <chr>      <chr>    <chr>      <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
#>  1 cg10543797 CD4.     disease   0.0116     0.387 6.99e-  1
#>  2 cg10543797 CD4.     1         0.818     54.1   8.77e-241
#>  3 cg10543797 CD8.     disease   0.0683     2.21  2.71e-  2
#>  4 cg10543797 CD8.     1         0.798     51.0   1.45e-227
#>  5 cg10543797 mono     disease  -0.0611    -0.977 3.29e-  1
#>  6 cg10543797 mono     1         0.745     23.5   2.27e- 88
#>  7 cg10543797 Bcells   disease   0.0469     0.761 4.47e-  1
#>  8 cg10543797 Bcells   1         0.868     28.2   4.48e-114
#>  9 cg10543797 NK       disease  -0.0272    -0.764 4.45e-  1
#> 10 cg10543797 NK       1         0.817     43.6   7.22e-194
#> # ℹ 370 more rows

We recommend nonlinear regression with ridge regularization. For DNA methylation, we use the logit function for normalization, and the test option is nls.logit

result = ctassoc(X, W, Y, C = C,
                 test = "nls.logit",
                 regularize = TRUE)
#> nls.logit ...
#>   |                                                                              |                                                                      |   0%  |                                                                              |======================================================================| 100%
#> Summarizing result ...
print(result$coefficients, n = 20)
#> # A tibble: 380 × 6
#>    response   celltype term                estimate statistic   p.value
#>    <chr>      <chr>    <chr>                  <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
#>  1 cg10543797 CD4.     1                   1.50       15.5    1.24e- 46
#>  2 cg10543797 CD8.     1                   1.33       14.5    9.53e- 42
#>  3 cg10543797 mono     1                   1.19        6.93   1.03e- 11
#>  4 cg10543797 Bcells   1                   1.81        7.29   9.12e- 13
#>  5 cg10543797 NK       1                   1.63       13.5    8.63e- 37
#>  6 cg10543797 Nue      1                   1.35       56.3    1.32e-253
#>  7 cg10543797 Eos      1                   0.996       5.84   8.30e-  9
#>  8 cg10543797 CD4.     disease             0.000711    0.465  6.42e-  1
#>  9 cg10543797 CD8.     disease             0.00202     1.43   1.52e-  1
#> 10 cg10543797 mono     disease            -0.000917   -0.921  3.57e-  1
#> 11 cg10543797 Bcells   disease             0.000350    0.505  6.14e-  1
#> 12 cg10543797 NK       disease            -0.000504   -0.468  6.40e-  1
#> 13 cg10543797 Nue      disease            -0.00555    -0.855  3.93e-  1
#> 14 cg10543797 Eos      disease             0.000278    0.474  6.35e-  1
#> 15 cg10543797 <NA>     sexF               -0.0415     -3.94   9.16e-  5
#> 16 cg10543797 <NA>     age                -0.000303   -0.746  4.56e-  1
#> 17 cg10543797 <NA>     smoking_current    -0.00532    -0.430  6.67e-  1
#> 18 cg10543797 <NA>     smoking_ex         -0.0192     -1.58   1.13e-  1
#> 19 cg10543797 <NA>     smoking_occasional  0.00109     0.0627 9.50e-  1
#> 20 cg22718169 CD4.     1                   2.18       15.5    2.75e- 46
#> # ℹ 360 more rows

The first 19 lines show the result for CpG site cg10543797. Line 1 shows that the basal methylation level in CD4. (actually CD4+ T cells) is plogis(1.498) = 0.817, so this cell type is 81% methylated. Line 8 shows that the CD4.-specific effect of the disease is 7.10e-04 (in logit scale). Since the p.value is 0.64, this is not significant. Line 15 shows that the effect of sexF (female compared to male) is -4.14e-02 with a small p.value 9.15e-05. Since sexF is a covariate that has uniform effect across cell types, the celltype column is NA.

Analyzing gene expression

Let’s load a sample data.

X = GTExsmall$X
W = GTExsmall$W
Y = GTExsmall$Y + 1
Y = Y[seq(1, 20), ] # for brevity
C = GTExsmall$C

See description.


The conventional way is to use ordinary linear regression.

result = ctassoc(X, W, Y, C = C,
                 test = "full")
#> Linear regression ...
#> Summarizing result ...
#> # A tibble: 260 × 6
#>    response        celltype              term   estimate statistic  p.value
#>    <chr>           <chr>                 <chr>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
#>  1 ENSG00000059804 Granulocytes          age      45611.     2.56  1.07e- 2
#>  2 ENSG00000059804 Granulocytes          1       378100.     1.64  1.02e- 1
#>  3 ENSG00000059804 B.cells..CD19..       age     143773.     0.683 4.95e- 1
#>  4 ENSG00000059804 B.cells..CD19..       1      -774328.    -0.324 7.46e- 1
#>  5 ENSG00000059804 CD4..T.cells          age    -104302.    -2.42  1.59e- 2
#>  6 ENSG00000059804 CD4..T.cells          1     -1043816.    -2.28  2.30e- 2
#>  7 ENSG00000059804 CD8..T.cells          age      94351.     1.42  1.57e- 1
#>  8 ENSG00000059804 CD8..T.cells          1      2577296.     3.49  5.47e- 4
#>  9 ENSG00000059804 NK.cells..CD3..CD56.. age     134268.     2.34  1.96e- 2
#> 10 ENSG00000059804 NK.cells..CD3..CD56.. 1      5027033.     6.61  1.33e-10
#> # ℹ 250 more rows

We recommend nonlinear regression with ridge regularization. For DNA methylation, we use the log function for normalization, and the test option is nls.log

result = ctassoc(X, W, Y, C = C,
                 test = "nls.log",
                 regularize = TRUE)
#> nls.log ...
#>   |                                                                              |                                                                      |   0%  |                                                                              |======================================================================| 100%
#> Summarizing result ...
print(result$coefficients, n = 15)
#> # A tibble: 260 × 6
#>    response        celltype              term    estimate statistic   p.value
#>    <chr>           <chr>                 <chr>      <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
#>  1 ENSG00000059804 Granulocytes          1      8.85         0.544  5.87e-  1
#>  2 ENSG00000059804 B.cells..CD19..       1      8.85         0.0490 9.61e-  1
#>  3 ENSG00000059804 CD4..T.cells          1      8.85         0.252  8.01e-  1
#>  4 ENSG00000059804 CD8..T.cells          1     10.7          1.21   2.25e-  1
#>  5 ENSG00000059804 NK.cells..CD3..CD56.. 1     14.2         52.7    2.61e-179
#>  6 ENSG00000059804 Monocytes..CD14..     1      8.85         0.0666 9.47e-  1
#>  7 ENSG00000059804 Granulocytes          age    0.000462     0.221  8.25e-  1
#>  8 ENSG00000059804 B.cells..CD19..       age    0.0000111    0.107  9.15e-  1
#>  9 ENSG00000059804 CD4..T.cells          age   -0.0000308   -0.0401 9.68e-  1
#> 10 ENSG00000059804 CD8..T.cells          age    0.000655     0.312  7.55e-  1
#> 11 ENSG00000059804 NK.cells..CD3..CD56.. age    0.0185       4.62   5.20e-  6
#> 12 ENSG00000059804 Monocytes..CD14..     age    0.0000263    0.0955 9.24e-  1
#> 13 ENSG00000059804 <NA>                  sexF  -0.00257     -0.0273 9.78e-  1
#> 14 ENSG00000147454 Granulocytes          1     10.1          5.20   3.20e-  7
#> 15 ENSG00000147454 B.cells..CD19..       1      9.25         0.197  8.44e-  1
#> # ℹ 245 more rows

The first 13 lines show the result for transcript ENSG00000059804. Line 1 shows that the basal expression level in Granulocytes is exp(8.847) = 6955. Line 7 shows that the Granulocytes-specific effect of age is 4.62e-04 (in log scale). Since the p.value is 0.82, this is not significant. Line 13 shows that the effect of sexF (female compared to male) is -2.57e-03 with p.value 0.97 Since sexF is a covariate that has uniform effect across cell types, the celltype column is NA.

Analyzing mQTL

For QTL analyses, we use ctcisQTL function instead of ctassoc. To speed up computation, we perform linear ridge regression, thus the statistical test is almost identical to ctassoc(test = "nls.identity", regularize = TRUE). We analyze only in the linear scale. Association analysis is performed between each row of Y and each row of X. See description.


Let’s load a sample data.

X    = GSE79262small$X
Xpos = GSE79262small$Xpos
W    = GSE79262small$W
Y    = GSE79262small$Y
Ypos = GSE79262small$Ypos
C    = GSE79262small$C
X    = X[seq(1, 3001, 100), ] # for brevity
Xpos = Xpos[seq(1, 3001, 100)]
Y    = Y[seq(1, 501, 100), ]
Ypos = Ypos[seq(1, 501, 100)]

See description.


Analyze mQTL.

ctcisQTL(X, Xpos, W, Y, Ypos, C = C)
#> Writing output to /tmp/RtmpTYyKed/ctcisQTL.out.txt
#>   |                                                                              |                                                                      |   0%  |                                                                              |==                                                                    |   3%  |                                                                              |=====                                                                 |   6%  |                                                                              |=======                                                               |  10%  |                                                                              |=========                                                             |  13%  |                                                                              |===========                                                           |  16%  |                                                                              |==============                                                        |  19%  |                                                                              |================                                                      |  23%  |                                                                              |==================                                                    |  26%  |                                                                              |====================                                                  |  29%  |                                                                              |=======================                                               |  32%  |                                                                              |================================                                      |  45%  |                                                                              |==================================                                    |  48%  |                                                                              |====================================                                  |  52%  |                                                                              |======================================                                |  55%  |                                                                              |=========================================                             |  58%  |                                                                              |===========================================================           |  84%  |                                                                              |=============================================================         |  87%  |                                                                              |===============================================================       |  90%  |                                                                              |=================================================================     |  94%  |                                                                              |====================================================================  |  97%  |                                                                              |======================================================================| 100%

The result is stored in a file.

  read.table(file.path(tempdir(), "ctcisQTL.out.txt"),
             header = TRUE,
             sep ="\t"))
#>        term   response celltype      estimate  statistic    p.value
#> 1 rs6678176 cg19251656     CD4T -0.0031975545 -0.3112062 0.75693773
#> 2 rs6678176 cg19251656     CD8T  0.0029236713  0.4368269 0.66411762
#> 3 rs6678176 cg19251656       NK  0.0021900746  0.6992125 0.48765929
#> 4 rs6678176 cg01433766     CD4T -0.0007853244 -0.4642848 0.64445898
#> 5 rs6678176 cg01433766     CD8T -0.0006336713 -0.5359356 0.59437935
#> 6 rs6678176 cg01433766       NK -0.0012465110 -1.9903623 0.05203197

The first 3 lines show the result for the association of SNP rs6678176 with CpG site cg19251656. Line 1 shows that the CD4T-specific effect of the SNP is -0.003. Since the p.value is 0.75, this is not significant.